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Honored & Grateful
Dave & Yvette Ulloa retired at a young age after becoming entrepreneurs, and took a year off to travel and mentor with Tony Robbins as Platinum Partners.

TonyRobbins-PassionDave and Yvette’s first adventure with Tony Robbins in Scotland.
The theme? Passionate relationships!

TonyRobbins-FijiDave and Yvette in Fiji at a Platinum Partner Business Mastery event with Tony Robbins

TonyRobbins-ScotlandDave, Yvette, Tony and Sage ready to go to a dream castle for a dream night…

TonyRobbins-IsrealDave and Tony share a special moment in Israel before heading to Hebron one of the most dangerous places in Israel to learn some of the most beautiful lessons about humanity and how there’s always a chance for peace.

Dave and Yvette were featured on the cover of Your Business at Home Magazine for their beautiful story of how they converted from police officer/government employee to entrepreneurs through a beautiful commitment to personal development.

Dave Ulloa was recently written about in the Huffington Post, for his contribution to Voluntourism and work with the orphanage in Ecuador that we built in his dad’s honor, after he was tragically killed in an accident by a truck driver. One of the biggest things we teach is to find the gift in every challenge. From this terrible scenario…some beautiful gifts were born…

HuffPost-VoluntourismClick to read the article…