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Lessons From Galo

Galo Ulloa is my father.  His story of struggle and overcoming the greatest obstacles has inspired thousands of people worldwide.  Although he passed away November 30th 2013, his lessons and legacy live on through his children and the people whose lives he touched.  I’ve decided to share many of the lessons…

Adventure to the Acropolis and Parthenon in Athens

As we traveled to the beautiful country of Greece we had to stop in Athens and see the famous Acropolis. It stood high above everything else. At night the lights would brighten up the majestic monument. During the day it was pretty hot outside and we had to put on…

WV International Spectacular 2011

This years WV/Rovia International Spectacular took place at the Paris hotel and casino in Las Vegas, NV. 17 countries attended the incredible event. The Paris hotel and casino hosted over 3000 people at our event. It started off on Friday with some great announcements regarding the greatest travel club in…