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For my first 20 years of life I never left the city I lived in not because I didn’t want to but because resources were scarce.  Growing up in New York and Los Angeles for the majority of my life I had a very limited perspective of the world, a big city perspective.
For the past 20 years I have been blessed to travel to many cities & countries around the world.  I was shocked to find out what the outside world thought of the United States and us Americans.  I heard words like “bullies,” “Ego centric,” “military state,” “septic tank yanks!”
For many years I brushed it off as, “they are just jealous.”  How could we be bullies, controlling and forcing our beliefs and ways of life on other countries with force?  Could that be possible?  Nah, they are just jealous because we live in the greatest land in the world.  The land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE.
Each year I would travel to Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia and I would hear the same narrative.  One day I finally decided to explore this possibility.  Over the past 2 years I have researched, debated, verified (with my own fact checker ie: GOD) and went down many rabbit holes that most would never dare. Not because I’m special but because I consider myself a truth seeker.
This message is not for everybody.  This message is for my fellow truth seekers who may be feeling fearful, confused, uncertain and have started to question many areas of life that just don’t make sense anymore.
I MUST CONFESS I HAVE BEEN SLEEP WALKING FOR THE MAJORITY OF MY ADULT LIFE.  I’d like to think I’m a good person, care about people and want to see people thrive.  I am by no means a saint, far from it but I do my best to live a life of truth and integrity.
My 2 year long research project has led me to realize I have been lied to in just about every area of life
> Our history
> Our financial institutions
> Our government
> Our medical industry
> Our food industry
> Our climate narrative
> Our hollywood industry
> Our Sports industry
> Our military objectives
Just to name a few
Let me be clear, I was not MAGA or a Trumper especially when it came to the issue of Immigration.  As a matter of fact I was Anti.  Coming from immigrant parents, mom from (El Salvador) and dad from (Ecuador) I could not in good conscious support a narrative that would block good law abiding immigrants from entering our great country and chasing the American dream.  After all I am a product of such a migration.
What I didn’t realize is that for years I was programmed to believe certain things from our education system that initiated certain believes, values and ideas and followed up with the conditioning our powerful main street media.  As I started to ask the right questions and uncover many truths my earth literally shattered.
> Project Mockingbird
> MK Ultra
> Project Monarch
What if there is a reason the outside world (outside USA) believes we are bullies? (not all Americans, the ones who are in power and govern our country).
From this question I started to uncover what is termed the Military industrial complex.  A small group of powerful people who control the decisions of when, who, and why we go to war.
Could this really be?
I could not believe it at first.  How could we a country that prides itself on freedom and caring about the “people” have evil intentions.  As I started going down this one rabbit hole I was sick to my stomach on what was revealed.
Every war we as a nation have been involved with was not for the reason, we the people have been told (do your research if you dare). I trusted my history teacher as to what these wars were truly about
> WW2
> Vietnam war
No matter who was in charge from the Bush’s to the Clinton’s, to the Obama’s etc.  We always seemed to be at war with a foreign country for reasons that made sense, to keep our country and world safe.  Could it be that we were the one’s who were creating the chaos?
Recently we have all experienced the wars that our country has initiated from Iraq to afghanistan and today we find ourselves on the verge of nuclear war with China, Iran, Russia.  What’s insane is after all my research I could have predicted this.  As a matter of fact I have confided in some close friends and predicted this was going to occur a little less than a year ago. Not because I’m smart of have a crystal ball.  When truth is revealed it’s much easier to see and predict the future, because it’s been directed and scripted.
Jesus stated, “The truth shall set us free”
Did you ever ask yourself why do we go to war?  Why did we have ZERO wars during President Trump’s administration?  I’ll repeat that ZERO wars in his 4 years.  Whatever your personal opinions or thoughts are about his personality or what the media portrays him to be.  It’s a valid question fellow truth seekers  should all be asking.
My fellow Americans I am pained to have discovered the truth (most of which many will never want to know and shouldn’t know) and yet I still have faith that we will come together.  What every side you are on, whatever your view is regarding the many polarizing topics that seem to be separating us more than bringing us together.  I encourage you to start asking questions.
I was never one to be in politics, talk about politics or to be honest even care about it. I was happy playing sports, building businesses and enjoying time with friends.
However today we are in biblical times.  A true turning point in humanity that will take us into the darkest time in history or the greatest time in human history where we will thrive like never before.  Where we will see our friends and neighbors live a life of abundance, instead of just living pay check to pay check, constantly struggling with mystery illnesses that keep our mind and activities forced on survival.
I have to believe that God did not create us to have all of this pain on suffering that we have experienced for centuries. Over the next few weeks and months we may go through some of the darkest days in history.  If any of you have questions of concerns and would like to explore some potential truths that may help you and your family navigate through these tough times.
DM me or comment on this post.  We are in this together and at the least how we can participate in being a part of the solution is to
> Avoid judging each other
> Have faith,
> Pray
> Be love and give love
> Nourish your body and soul
> Read your Bible
> Stop watching a listening to the media
> Avoid making any side wrong
> Stop being in fear
For the majority of my adult life I admit, I have been sleep walking.  To those of you I have hurt, mislead, or flat out lied to I apologize for I did not know. Now that I know I am committed to share what I believe to be true with all my fellow truth seekers who are searching.
To continue the journey of the truth seeker join the community

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