What it means to be a Warrior, a Queen, to be Unshakable! When we can know who we truly are. When we are not compromised by our perceived status, wealth or power. It’s been said a true character of a person can be measured by observing how they treat others…
The Female Super Power
Fellow Warriors, The next time we rush our ladies, or put them into hunter mode because we are focused on an outcome and result, let’s remember that when we try to change them to be more like us we dim their radiance, their glow and their super power; Diffused Awareness.…
What Warriors Ought to Know About Surrendering
What Warriors ought to know about Surrendering: I have been working with an incredible group of men who attended a retreat I hosted “Warrior’s Code.” This group is so tight, a brotherhood that is honoring of each other, and we support each other through life. I shared this quote with…